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«  Сентябрь 2024  »

A Teacher of Music

«It is the supreme art of the Teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge».
                                                                                                               Albert Einstein.

Before I finished school I had dreamed of becoming a singer. Many pupils want to become singers when they are in their junior forms at school. It's a very interesting and attractive profession. But when I grew older, I understood that choosing a profession or a career for your future life was a very serious problem. So, when I left school, I faced that problem.
Since I had always been interested in music I decided to become a teacher of Music.
So I made up my mind to enter Teachers’ Training  College (the Department of Musical Education). I know that the Profession of a teacher is very difficult. But I also know that Teachers are special people. Whether they make Shakespeare come alive, algebra seem like child's play, or French feel like our native language, teachers open new doors for us. I love music and believe that music can be an inspiring force only if it is itself inspired. Music influences all of us in different ways because we all are unique.
Music makes our inner world richer because the range of expression is limitless.
We admire many talented musicians. Among them is S. Prokofyev.
Sergey Prokofyev was 5 when his mother gave him his first piano lesson. At the age of 6 he was already composing and actually writing small pieces for the piano.
Shostakovich was 13 when in 1919 he entered the Petrograd Conservatoire. His teachers were the splendid Russian musicians Maximilian Steinberg (composition) and Leonid Nikolayev (piano).
I would like to be a true teacher and I'll do my best to fulfill this task. Learning and studying is the key to success.
There are a lot of music schools and children's choirs in our city where children learn to play different musical instruments, to sing and appreciate music. So, besides guitar, piano is a very popular musical instrument. I'm sure I'll be a very good teacher of Music. At our college we have very experienced teachers. They are teaching me to master my future profession.
I want to be a good and successful teacher of Music. To my mind a successful teacher needs: the education of college president, the executive ability of financier, the humility of a deacon, the adaptability of a chameleon, the hope of an optimist, the courage of a hero, the wisdom of a serpent, the gentleness of a dove and the grace of God. And, you know, there's a Chinese proverb: «Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime».  
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