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Education in the USA

Like in England, school education in the USA consists of two stages: primary education and secondary education.
Primary education begins at the age of six, when children go to an elementary school. They stay at the elementary school for eight years, until the age of 14. The subjects taught at the elementary school include reading, grammar, literature, mathematics, science, social studies (which is a subject that combines history, geography and economics), computer, music, art and physical education.
At the age of 14 American children pass on to secondary education, which they get at high schools. The course of secondary education lasts for four years. High schools are large. As a rule, a high school takes pupils from several elementary schools. A high school offers a wide range of subjects, so that teenagers can choose a course of studies according to their individual inclinations and abilities. They may choose to study the English language and literature, or foreign languages, history, geography and economics, or advanced mathematics, physics or chemistry. They can also learn such subjects as accounting or typing or shorthand, or other subjects which will help them later, when they enter the business world.
In some states children stay at elementary schools for six years instead of eight. After that they go to the so-called intermediate or junior high schools, where they stay for another three or four years, and then pass on to a senior high school to complete their secondary education.
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