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S.Maugham "Theatre" Chapter 3

S.Maugham "Theatre" Chapter 3



Ex. I. Read and translate the passage beginning with the words: «For some months Michael was so much occupied with his own parts» till the words «His eyes were heavy with tears.»


Ex. II. Find facts from chapter 3 to support these statements:

1. Julia fell in love with Michael.

2. Michael didn’t like spending money.

3. Julia was no more to Michael than a friend.


Word study


Ex. I. Find the expressions in the text, translate them into Russian and recall the situations they’re used in.

to play one’s cards well     

to be inclined to do smth   

to make a packet      

to take courage in both hands     

to be a milestone round one’s neck      

to be stony      

to throw one’s money about       

to know the ropes


Ex. II. Paraphrase or explain in your own words the following phrases:

to mention now and then;

to be a great hit;

full of praise;

it gave her a pang;

her share of the expenses;

recovered himself immediately;

out of the public eye;

to reproach oneself bitterly;

engaging trait;

a fine display of acting;

to let a notion sink in his mind;

to fork out

five thousand pounds;

to find backers.


Ex. III. Match the words with numbers with the definitions with letters

1. flatter v.      

a. severe suffering

2. asset n.        

b. valuable or useful quality or skill


3. vain adj.      

c. laugh with closed mouth (indicating amusement)


4. chuckle v.    

d. praise too much, praise insincerely (in order to please)


5. nuisance n.  

e. thing,person, act, etc., that causes trouble or offense


6. anguish n.

f. care, economy in use of money


7. thrift n.       

g. without use, value, meaning or result.



Speech practice


Ex. I. Translate the proverbs and use them when discussing chapter 3.

1. Beauty lies in lover’s eyes.

2. Love is never without jealousy.


Ex. II. Give a character sketch of:

1. Michael

2. Julia

3. Jimmie Langton


Ex. III. Topics for discussion and essays.

1. Speak on Julia and Michael’s relations.

2. Michael’s attitude to life, women.


Ex. IV. Read the poem. Memorize the adverbs used with the expression «to be in love»


I am

completely, hopelessly, madly,

passionately, deeply, confusingly,

totally, absolutely, fully,

wholly, knowingly, desperately,

in love,

with you.

I think.

Glynn Cook

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