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S.Maugham "Theatre" Chapter 4-5

S.Maugham "Theatre" Chapter 4-5


Ex. I. Read and translate the passage beginning with the words: «Julia was quick-witted...» till the words «…that she was head over ears in love with him.»

Ex. III. Make up a plan of chapters 4 and 5, compare it with that of your classmates.

Word study

Ex. I. As you see there are a lot of expressions with the verb «take» in the English language. Translate and memorize these ones  and use them in sentences of your own.

to take smb along         

to take stock of smb     

to take liberties with smb      

to take fancy to smb    

to take advantage of smb      

to take smth for granted        

to take smb by surprise

to take smb at his word

to take a quotation from (Shakespeare)

to take any means to do smth

to take it all in good fun

to take smth to heart

to take smth in earnest


Ex. II. Translate the following expressions into Russian:

Her heart beat with delight;

to come to the rescue when he knew she was at a loose end;

her heart thumped against her ribs;

they bore a look of happy expectancy;

it was a put-up job;

she vowed them to secrecy;

as vain as a peacock;

black despair seized her;

to cry in earnest;

he’s so susceptible to flattery;

to be a flop.


Speech practice


Ex. I. Retell chapter 4 as if you were:

a. Mr. Gosselyn

b. Mrs. Gosselyn

c. Michael


Ex. II. From chapter 4 pick out words and phrases used to describe Mr. and Mrs. Gosselyn. Use them to make up their character sketches.


Ex. III. Dramatize the scene when Michael makes a proposal to Julia.


Ex. IV. Make up a brief summary of chapter 5.

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