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S.Maugham "Theatre" Chapter 6-7

S.Maugham "Theatre" Chapter 6-7



Ex. I. Read and translate the passage beginning with the words «The first year of their marriage would have been stormy except for Michael’s placidity» and till the words «But he saw by the expression of her face...»


Ex. III. Write a detailed plan of chapter 6.


Word study

Ex. I. Find the expressions in the text, translate them and  recall the situations they are used in.

to kick one’s heels about                      

to be caustic in comments                   

to talk in peace and quiet                    

to be deeply mortified                         

to be relieved                                        

to put up with smth                               

to keep one’s brain clear                       

not to care two straws for smb            

to pull the strings                                  

to be free of the bondage                     

to deal with smb on equal terms         


Ex. II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

разговора о продлении контракта не было;

язвительные замечания;

слухи распространяются быстро;

ты слишком хороша для него;

если бы они даже и захотели меня оставить, я бы отказался;

она промаршировала по комнате, кланяясь направо и налево;

волочиться за другой женщиной;

под предлогом чего-либо;

наложить отпечаток;

выглядеть солдатом на сто процентов;

подавить сильное желание что-либо сделать.


Ex. III. Match the words with the definitions:

to languish

the state of one who has lost honor, disgraceful

 to contain 

generous and extravagant in giving or spending


emotionally out of control with worry

to infuriate

skillfully, clever


to obtain money from a person by threat, oppression


to include or enclose


to become weak

to extort    

to make very angry;

to enrage


Speech practice


Ex. I. Dramatize the episode from chapter 6 describing Julia’s meeting with Michael.


Ex. II. Retell chapter 7.


Ex. III. Сomment on the following: ”When Julia realized that she didn’t love Michael any longer, she was dismayed. Her heart sank because she knew she had lost something precious. "But at the same time she was filled with a sense of triumph, she was free of the bondage in which her senses had held her to Michael."


What’s your idea of happiness? To be in love and suffer or to live a quiet life without love? Prove your opinion.

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