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Sports in Russia

Sports in Russia


Sport is as old as the humanity itself. Millions of people of different ages all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport helps people to become strong and to stay in good shape. It makes them more organized and disciplined in their daily activities. It makes for a healthy mind in a healthy body. Sport helps people to keep in good health.

Many sports are popular in Russia. They are hockey, football (soccer), weight-lifting, track and field, tennis, basketball, volleyball, boxing, figure-skating, cross-country skiing, swimming, judo, shooting and so on. Sport is divided into profes­sional and amateur in our country. There are many different professional sport societies and clubs in Russia. They take part in different international competitions and are known all over the world. A great number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen: gymnasts, weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, high jumpers. Our sportsmen always take part in the world championships and Olympic Games and always win a lot of gold, silver and bronze med­als. There are many stadiums in Russia. Numer­ous matches and competitions are held in our country. They attract large numbers of fans. Most of the important games we can watch on TV. Many people go to the stadiums to support their favourite team. Some people prefer to watch the games on TV.

There are a lot of amateur clubs and keep-fit centres in Russia. There people can go in for aerobics, yoga, body-building, swimming, skat­ing, jogging. Many people don't plan to make a career in sport. But regular exercise makes you feel and look better. It is very important to do morning exercises every day. We all need to exer­cise. You can choose sports and games for any season for any taste.




humanity  —человечество

Strong - сильный

shape - форма

mind - дух, разум, ум

weight-lifting - track and field – легкая атлетика

figure-skating – фигурное катание


to divide [di'vaid] -разделять

amateur  — любительский


to set (set, set) ставить


gymnast  – гимнаст


to hold (held, held) - проводить

to attract привлекать

to support - поддерживать

to keep fit — поддерживать хорошую форму

aerobics — аэробика

career— карьера

regular регулярный

to need - нуждаться

taste вкус






    Answer the questions.

1.  Are you fond of sports?

2.  In your opinion, why do people go in for sports?

3.  What sports are popular in Russia?

4.  What two parts is all sport divided into in our country?

5.  What professional sport societies and clubs do you know in Russia?

6.  Do they take part in different international com­petitions?

7.  What main international competitions do you know?

8.  Do our sportsmen usually win medals there?

9.  Are you a fan of any team? What team are you a fan of?

10.  Do you prefer to watch a match on TV or to go to the stadium to support your favourite team?

11.  Do you go in for sports? What sports do you go in for?

12.  Have you ever taken part in competitions?

13.  What competitions have you taken part in?

14.  Where did these competitions take place?

15.  Do you want to make a career in sport? Why?

16.  Is there an amateur club or a keep-fit centre not far from your house? Have you ever been there?

17.  Do you agree that we all need to exercise?

18.  Do you do your morning exercises every day?

19.  In your opinion, do regular exercises make you feel and look better? Can you prove it?


Read and learn by heart the dialogue. Then act it out.

Philip: Hil Haven't seen you for ages. How have      

you been?

Sasha: Just fine, thanks, and you?                              

Philip: I'm fine, too. Where are you going?                 

Sasha: To the stadium.

Philip: Who is playing today?                                     

Sasha: Zenit - Spartak. Let's go together. I think it

will be a very exciting game.                            

Philip: OK. As far as I remember, you are a fan of Zenit. I'd like to know more about our team.

Can you help me?

Sasha: Yes, I can.                                                        :

Philip: Who is the coach of Zenit now?

Sosha: Yuri Morozov.

Philip: When was Zenit organized?

Sasha: As far as I know, it was before the Second World War.

Philip: Has Zenit ever been the champion of our country?

Sasha  Yes, it was in 1984. If you want I'll give you some articles from the newspapers and you'll be able to learn a lot about the history of this team.

Sasha: OK.


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