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English Forever

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«  Сентябрь 2024  »

Тест. Косвенная речь

TEST: Reported speech. Косвенная речь
 Variant 1

1. Fill in the right verb
1 Mom asked what time we ___ back the day before.
A had come B have come C come
2 The teacher ordered the pupils ___.
A not to shout B to not shout C don’t shout
3 Chris said his parents ___ then.
A sleep B were sleeping C has been sleeping
4 He said he ___ to the swimming pool the next day.
A is going B has gone C was going
5 Lucy says she ___ well.
A hadn’t felt B don’t feel C is not feeling
6 Andy asked Kate if she ___ to the circus.
A has ever been B had ever been C is
7 Tom said he ___ to see a new film.
A wanted B has wanted C will want
8 Nick demanded ___ the window.
A closed B to close C to be close
9 Claire explained that she ___ to hurt me.
A wasn’t mean B hadn’t meant C hasn’t meant
10 She said they ___ to the beach if the weather was fine.
A will go B went C would go
11 Tom says he ___ a newspaper.
A is reading B was read C read
12 My father asked if I ___ that film.
A has watched B will be watching C was watching

2. Make up reported speech
1"The weather will be cold tomorrow” said Nick.
2"What did you do yesterday?” asked Pete.
3"Do you often see your brother, Pete?” asked Kitty.
4"Today we shall see a new film” said Nancy.
5"Will you play hockey?” asked Robert.
6"They usually go to school at half past eight” said Alice.
7"Who wants to take this book?” asked the librarian.
8"Give me your pencil, please,” said Sue
9"I shall visit Helen today, she is ill” said Nina.
10"Ann had music lesson yesterday” said Mother.

Variant 2

1. Fill in the right verb
1 Kate’s mom warned her that it ___ to rain.
A is going B was going C has been going
2 She tried to find out where we ___ our holidays the previous year.
A had spent B will spend C are spending
3 Mike told us they ___ tennis all morning the day before.
A played B had been playing C has played
4 My aunt said she ___ me an interesting book.
A may bring B might brought C might bring
5 The customer asked where they ___ meat.
A has sold B sold C will sell
6 Sean added that he ___ Ann the next day.
A would visit B will visit C had visited
7 Greg told his brother he ___ pop music.
A couldn’t stand B can’t stand C can’t have stand
8 Dina says she ___ to the museum yesterday.
A has been B will be C was
9 Tim explained that he ___ his mom’s car.
A didn’t take B hadn’t taken C hasn’t taken
10 Laura asked if I ___ some tea.
A have wanted B will want C wanted
11 My sister told me ___ an ice-cream for her.
A buy B to buy C bought
12 Alice explained to us that the flower shop ..... down the road.
A was situated B is situated C would be situated

2. Make up reported speech
1 "Did she learn the poem?” asked Dot.
2"Were they reading?” asked Jack.
3"Don’t go out, ” Mother said.
4" He heard the news yesterday " said Jill.
5"He is good at skiing” said Bob.
6" Have you seen this film?” asked Ann.
7"I am tired today " said Mother.
8"Go on reading” said the teacher.
9"Do you like sweets?” asked Tad.
10"What will you tell her, Fred?” asked Mary.

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