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«  Сентябрь 2024  »

The profession of a primary school teacher

I’m a second year student of Teachers’ Training College. My speciality is primary education that means that when I graduate from the college I’ll become a primary school teacher. I’ve chosen this profession because it’s one of the most honourable and important in every society. And it is also of great responsibility too as you should teach your pupils not only the ABC's of reading, writing and counting but give them the basic knowledge of other subjects they are going to learn during their future school life. It’s no doubt too that a primary school teacher mustn’t only teach his pupils, he or she must develop their mind and form their views and characters.
What makes a good primary school teacher? First of all, he should have true interest in children and love for them. Also he must be a well-educated person with a broad outlook and deep knowledge of his subjects and child psychology. And at last he must be ready to learn throughout all his teaching career that is to work hard to remain up-to-date in his subjects and to find out about new trends and developments in methods of teaching. They say that teaching is a very stressful job taking much time and efforts. I fully agree with that but I’d like to mention that it’s one of the most enjoyable jobs too so I hope that after my graduation from the college I’ll be able to get a job which I will really enjoy.

•Translate  the following words and word combinations from Russian into English :

Начальное образование, закончить колледж, общество, основы чтения, без сомнения, ум, хорошо образованный человек, широкий кругозор, детская психология, карьера учителя, оставаться современным, новые тенденции, методы обучения, усилие, приятный.

•Finish up the following sentences according to the text.
  1. My speciality is …
  2. I’ve chosen this profession because …
  3. First of all a good primary teacher should …
  4. Also he must be …
  5. And at last he must be ready to …
  6. They say that teaching is …
  7. I fully agree with that but …
•Answer the following questions to the text.
  1.  What is your speciality?
  2.  What will you become when you graduate from the college?
  3.  Why have you chosen this profession?
  4.  Why is this profession of great responsibility?
  5.  What makes a good primary school teacher?
  6.  What kind of job is teaching?
  7.  What will you do after your graduation from the college? 
•Agree or disagree with the following statements:
  1. Any man can be a good teacher.
  2. Every teacher continues to be a student.
  3. The teacher is a model and example to his students.
  4. Good teachers are born, not made.
  5. Experience is the best teacher.
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