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Read the texts below and decide whether a, the, or no article is needed to fill each gap correctly

(1)____United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world after   (2)___ Russia, (3)____Canada and (4)____China. It occupies the southern part of (5)___ North America and stretches from (6) _____ Pacific to (7)        ____Atlantic Ocean. It also includes (8) __ Alaska in (9)______north and (10)   _______Hawaii in (11)_______Pacific Ocean. (12)___ USA borders on (13)____Canada in (14)____north and on (15)____Mexico in (16)___ south. It also has (17)____sea-boarder with (18) __ Russia. (19) _____USA consists of 50 states and the District of Columbia, a special federal area where the capital of the country, (20)_____ Washington, is situated. (21) ____highest mountains are (22)____Rocky Mountains, (23)____Cordillera and (24)____Sierra Nevada. (25)____highest peak is (26)____Mount McKinley which is located in (27)______Alaska. (28)____ America's largest rivers are (29)____Mississippi, (30) ____ Missouri, (31) ____Rio Grande and (32)____Columbia. The Great Lakes on the border with (33)____Canada are (34)____largest and deepest in (35)____USA.

(36)__coldest regions are in (37) ___north. The climate of (38)___ Alaska is arc­tic. The climate of the central part is continental. (39)____south has a subtropical climate. Hot winds blowing from (40) ____Gulf of Mexico often bring typhoons. The climate along (41)____Pacific coast is much warmer than that of (42)____Atlantic coast. (43) ____ largest cities are: (44)____New York, (45) ____ Los Angeles, (46) ____ Chicago, (47) ___ Philadelphia, (48)____Detroit, (49) _____ San-Francisco, (50) ________Washington and others.

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