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Главная » 2011 » Декабрь » 9 » Christmas Decorating All Around the House
Christmas Decorating All Around the House

Christmas Decorating All Around the House


 Easy Ways to Add Christmas Sparkle to Your Home

Get ideas here for quick and simple ways to add a festive look to your home without spending a lot of time or money.

See some elaborate and simple ideas for decorating your stairways with garlands. Here are some ideas for decorating a stair area without using traditional garlands.

If you choose a decorating theme for your Christmas decor, you'll see a really unified look. See some of our ideas for decorating themes for your Christmas tree, home, or party table.

Set a beautiful table for holiday feasting using some of the ideas here.

See our choices of favorite holiday china and stoneware patterns. Choose from china or stoneware for the holiday celebrations in your home.

Get information about using LED lights to decorate your home at Christmas. You'll find interesting information about how energy-efficient they are and how long they burn.

The basic principles of interior design don't stop at Christmas. Read about how to incorporate the basics of interior design into your Christmas decorating plans.

Find helpful and fun ideas on how to choose a color scheme for your Christmas decorating and how to use the colors in your holiday decor.

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Find information here on how many garlands to use for a tree, how to arrange the ornaments on a tree, how to choose a Christmas tree decorating theme, and much more.

Tucking a nosegay into the branches of your Christmas tree is a great way to add color, fragrance, and texture, as well as fill in bare spots.

If you have a special interest or hobby, you might want to showcase it on your Christmas tree. See ideas on how to choose a theme for your Christmas tree, home decor, or Christmas party.
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