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«  Октябрь 2011  »

Главная » 2011 » Октябрь » 5 » World Teachers' Day 2011
World Teachers' Day 2011

World Teachers' Day 2011
Teachers for gender equality

Since 1994 World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5 October. It is an opportunity for UNESCO and Education International to celebrate the profession and to promote international standards for the teaching profession. The theme for this year is: Teachers for gender equality.

Despite the teaching profession being made up largely of women, inequality remains an issue. Even if measures to ensure equality are enshrined into the policies and constitutions of many states, for millions of female teachers, the goals remain unfulfilled. The teaching profession, both men and women, must unite and urge governments to implement their commitments. Let’s move from words to action: WTD is your day!

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